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I am very busy with my work schedule, how much time do I need to devote to kenpo classes?"Training sessions of 30 minutes daily or 1 hour 3 times a week are recommended to start. As you progress through the ranks if you want more 1:1 attention we offer 30 minute private lessons which can further help hone your skills.
Can family train with me?Having someone to train with will dramatically improve your skills and make the training more fun. Families can join with one Virtual Kenpo membership per family and everyone train from the same account. "Family" means immediate family within the same household. Extended family living outside the household will need their own subscription.
How long does it take to get a black belt?The length of time required to earn Black Belt is dependent on your ability to train and learn. However, it will take a minimum of 2.5 years to receive all the lesson requirements for the lower belts. Each belt takes approximately 12 to 17 to weeks complete and test. Then after receiving all the training requirements for the belts prior to Black, you must learn all techniques for Black; as well as, learn all the prior techniques since Yellow on the left and right side, complete a Black Belt project, and create your own kata. This will take approximately 1 year. The total time to reach Black Belt is about 3.5 to 4 years. During the Black Belt Test you will perform all techniques from both sides, all kicks, all hand strikes, all techniques, etc. from Yellow to Black Belt. This will take approximately 3 hours to complete.
Is testing required?Yes, if you choose to train in the Online School you will be required to test before moving onto the next Belt Level. If you want to learn, but do not want to test please purchase our On Demand Videos on Vimeo and Gumroad.
Do you charge a testing fee?Testing is included in your subscription for the first 2 attempts per belt. If you do not pass the test on the first two tries a $20 fee is charged for all retests. This is to ensure students do not send in multiple tests to "try" to pass before the student knows he can pass the test.
What belt level can I reach Virtual Kenpo?Currently, we only teach to 1st Degree Black Belt, Shodan, through our on line school, but you can continue past 1st Degree Black Belt via private instruction over video conferencing with one of our instructors or Grandmaster Mark Tracy (10th Degree Black Belt) at Tracy's Kenpo Worldwide. Kenpo has 10 Degrees of Black Belt and takes many years to reach this level .
Can I gain belt rank?Virtual Kenpo provides rank through Tracy's Karate Worldwide and the International School of Kenpo Karate. At the end of each Belt's training you will take a written and physical test. The Physical portion of the test can be taken with a live video conference with your Instructor, or upload your time-stamped video to a private drive for your instructor to review. If you pass, you will be registered with Tracy's Kenpo Worldwide and ISKK, receive a Belt Certificate, the belt, and be considered the Belt Rank earned.
Where can I see my Class and Private Lesson Bookings?Desktop Click on your avatar in the upper right corner. Click Sessions Booking Click the Arrow next to Reschedule to open the booking to see the meeting Zoom link. Mobile Your upcoming Classes appear on the Home page of the app.
Where can I see my Class and Private Lesson video conference link?Desktop Click on your avatar in the upper right corner. Click Sessions Booking Click the Arrow next to Reschedule to open the booking to see the meeting Zoom link. Mobile Your upcoming Classes appear on the Home page of the app. Tap on the Class to see it's details.
Where can I reschedule my Class or Private Lesson?Desktop Click on your avatar in the upper right corner. Click Sessions Booking Click the Reschedule to change your class or private lesson date. Mobile Your upcoming Classes appear on the Home page of the app. Tap on the Class to see it's details and allow rescheduling.
What is the difference between Tae Kwon Do and Kenpo?Tae Kwon Do is a Korean Martial Art that focuses primarily on kicking techniques. Some Tae Kwon Do schools also teach Olympic style fighting. Kenpo is a practical self defense system which trains the student for modern day self defense encounters. Kenpo students are taught to use their hands and feet with multiple strikes to multiple targets on each attacker, in a multiple attack situation.
What is the lesson curriculum?Every 7 days you will receive access to a new lesson. This keeps you from moving too fast through the curriculum and ensures you have ample time to practice. Each weekly lesson after Yellow Belt consists of the following: 2 Self-Defense Techniques 1 Part of the Kata 1 Hand Strike or Kick 1 Basic Motion, Function, or Weapon Technique
Do you teach weapons?We do teach two primary weapons; the cane and knife. Additional weapons are covered, but not as thoroughly. These two weapons are taught because of their usefulness and acceptability. You might get some strange looks carrying a sword or bo staff into the grocery store, but no one will give you a second glance if you are carrying a walking cane. Also the police will not harass you for a walking cane and most criminals will assume you have a weakness rather than a strength. Additional weapons courses may become available over time as we are able to develop them.
What style of Kenpo do you teach?We teach Tracy’s Kenpo Karate. Though our techniques use Tracy's as a foundation and are taught in the traditional order some techniques and katas may be slightly different. Each belt requires 30 Self-Defense Techniques, one or more katas, 5 kicks, 5 hand forms, and basic motions or weapons techniques. Yellow Belt only requires 10 Self-Defense Techniques and 1 Kata.
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